Your Cost Benefits in Using a CFPN Paralegal
By using the services of an experienced paralegal from the CFPN, you aren't burdened with any of the following expenses:
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the cost of employer-provided benefits for private industry workers in the West average about 26.0% of total compensation.
Legally required benefits accounts for about 35% of total benefit costs.
Using a paralegal from the Colorado Freelance Paralegal Network eliminates these hidden costs from your bottom line!
Traits of Freelancers*
Show a great deal of initiative - we need to make things happen for those who engage us, which in turn makes things happen for us.
Are largely self-sufficient, and thereby can take hold of a project or assignment and run with it, requiring little or no direct supervision.
Need to continuously maximize and hone our talents in order to sell our individual businesses - we're perpetual learners.
Know that we need to perform at a high level in order to get the next project or assignment.
Have to develop a business sense in order to survive.
Have to be flexible to accommodate the varying styles, conditions and requirements of those who engage us.
Are highly motivated because we know that working in the best interest of those who engage us is working in our own interest.
Are often more committed to a project or assignment than full time traditional employees.
*Presented here with permission:
Phyllis Weiss Haserot is the president of Practice Development Counsel, a New York-based consulting, training and coaching firm that helps law and other professional firms firms obtain and build profitable and satisfying internal and client relationships, and its AuthenticWorks division, focusing on Work/Life Excellence.. She is the author of "The Rainmaking Machine" (West Group) and "The Marketer's Handbook of Tips & Checklists" (Andrews Professional Books). She can be reached at 212-593-1549, or by e-mail: